Wednesday 1 January 2014

December Wrap-up

Happy New Year! Can you believe 2013 is already over?! I can't...

December was such a fun and exciting month for me; summer holidays, Christmas and New Year... It was insane! So, I thought I would do a little wrap up and show you guys some of my favourite photos/moments from last month, enjoy!

The Jedward Concert! Now, this was technically not in December (Nov 30th) but I loved it so much that I HAD to include it! I went with my cousin Matthew, but after winning 6 tickets (crazy, right?) I gave them away to a bunch of my friends who ended up coming too! Matt and I sat in the 5th row and earned a wave from both of the boys! It was such a great night, I absolutely can't wait for them to come back to Aus.


My family and my cousins decided to go to this cute event in the city called 'Santa's Magical Kingdom'. There were a few rides and an amazing circus show which got everyone's hearts racing. It was the perfect start to December and left me feeling soo festive!


Easily one of my favourite family traditions - Christmas Eve at my Nonna's house! We ate our weight in seafood - cocktails, prawns, mussels...yum. Then the kids hopped outside while we waited for 'Santa' to fill up our stockings. Once it was time, we all headed inside, turned on the TV to watch Carols by Candlelight, opened our gifts and ate some yummy desserts.


Here are a few snaps from Christmas Day, I really wish I took more but I got a little distracted by the fun of it all. I got some amazing presents in the morning and then spent the day at my Aunt and Uncles house. We had a feast - BBQ, potato salad, rice salad, and plenty more. Us four cousins then hopped in the spa and had a good laugh - P.S, water guns and makeup do not mix. Finally, it was time for dessert. Homemade gingerbread house, anyone? Mum and I made it from scratch, as we do every year, and it was a success! The day was perfect, I'm incredibly lucky to have these people in my family.



New Year's Eve was so much fun - all my family came over for a BBQ dinner. The Nonni (grandparents) left at about 10pm, which is when us kids got all our glow sticks and poppers ready. At 11:30, we headed to the park with a lovely city view. Everyone counted down from 10, and you could see the entire city light up with fireworks. After everyone settled down, we went home and managed to fall asleep by 2:30am.


I hope you all had an amazing month and best of luck for 2014!
